Need help choosing a colour for your pool surrounds? With 15 great colours for LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving, it can be a difficult choice. These 6 tips will help you choose the right colour for pool surrounds painted with LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving.
Choose the colour outside, in the shade, to get a good idea of the true colour. Looking at colour swatches for an exterior paint under interior lighting will not give you the best impression of the colour. Incandescent light casts a yellow hue so colour swatches will appear warmer and fluorescent light casts a blue/white light distorting your colour impression of the swatch. LEDs cause a different set of problems again.
Colours under full sun appear lighter. Pools and pool surrounds are typically situated in areas of full sun and some of the paler colours in the LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving range, such as Surfmist and Beachsand may appear almost white under full sun. So if you want to avoid excessive glare, consider the mid tone colours or even some of the darker tone colours.
The colour you perceive is strongly influenced by surrounding colours. Consider the two swatches of LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving in Surfmist below. The swatch of LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving in Surfmist appears lighter against the black background compared to the Surfmist swatch within the white background.
Surfmist on black and white backgrounds
This optical effect is even more noticeable when the LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving Surfmist swatch is placed inside a green zone such as grass or lush landscaping.
Surfmist on green and white backgrounds
The same optical effect occurs when LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving in Surfmist appears in a blue (think ocean or deep blue pools) environment.
Surfmist on blue and white backgrounds
Lighter colours are expansive and darker colours contract. So, if you want to create a greater sense of space around your pool, choose a lighter colour.
Shown below is the range of LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving colours ranked in order of value (or lightness). The order of value is easier to see when the colour is converted to grey scale (shown below the colour swatch).
PS&P B&W scale
LUXAPOOL PS&P light tone colours:
- Arctic White
- Surfmist®
- Classic CreamTM
- Beachsand
- Merino AS Y56
- Shale GreyTM
- Dune®
LUXAPOOL PS&P mid tone colours:
- Arnhem
- Windspray®
- Platinum Grey
- Winter Brown
LUXAPOOL PS&P dark tone colours:
- Basalt®
- Deep Ocean®
- Monument®
- Night Sky®
Think about contrast and colour harmonies. Harmonious colour spaces use colours of a similar value (think all light tone colours, for example) and are calming and relaxing. The colour of the pool, the pool surrounds, fencing, exterior walls and architectural features all contribute to harmonious surrounds when painted in colours of similar value.
For a more exciting option choose a colour scheme with high contrast (think using light tone with dark tone colours). To avoid a feeling of clutter, minimise the colour palette by choosing colours that are already present in the surrounds like fencing or the colour of your roof. Nine of the 15 LUXAPOOL Poolside & Paving colours match COLORBOND Steel colours: Classic CreamTM, Surfmist®, Shale GreyTM, Dune®, Windspray®, Basalt®, Night Sky®, Monument® and Deep Ocean®. Merino AS Y56 is very close to COLORBOND Paperbark®.
To help with the decision making process, contact Colormaker for sample boards that you can use to see the actual colour in your environment.
Following these simple tips can help you choose the best of the 15 LUXPOOL Poolside & Paving colours for your own pool surrounds.
© Colormaker Industries, 2022
® COLORBOND Steel colour names are registered trademarks of Blue Scope Steel Ltd